Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I just had to. I couldn't leave New Zealand without doing a bungy jump. Jamie on the other hand prefers to stay in the land of the seated.

At around 3:30pm today I put my life in the hands of two blokes and jumped from a pod under the Auckland Harbour Bridge. I watched the sea approaching at an incredible and frankly unexpected speed and started going back up again with only a few feet to spare. A good 50m drop. Another experience of a lifetime. I'll never forget the realisation, about three milliseconds after jumping off, of what I was actually doing. I had tried not to think about it until that point. I was so concerned with the bit where the elastic stops me that I'd forgotten completely about the bit where I would be plummeting downwards at over 100kmph. What a buzz. I was glad to get my wobbly legs back on terra firma though, I can tell you.

Apart from that we've just been trying the other extreme sport of trying to sell a motor vehicle. We've left it in the hands of some 'capable' people who promise to put the money into my bank account when they get it sold. They get 250 dollars for the privilidge.

The last two nights we've spent on Waiheke Island. This island is a 40 minute ferry trip from downtown Auckland and has, over the years, turned into just another suburb. A rich and green suburb with lots of nice beaches and vineyards at that though.

We stayed at Hekerua Lodge Backpackers. Unfortunately it was one of those places that seems to think it's location is enough. The place was far from clean, had hundreds of rules (including no watching TV before 6pm) and poor old Jamie had bedbugs in his bed which absolutely mauled him over the two nights we stayed. Still he didn't have to pay for the bed after complaining so I'm sure he went home smiling. The wee beggars obviously found my bed a bit too toxic.

Not having a car we just hired a couple of bikes and peddled around and up and down and across the island trying not to get run down by the ridiculous amount of vehicles on the road. Not the kind of island life we're used to.

Anyway today we came back across the water and checked in at Verandah's Backpackers in the Ponsonby area of Auckland. This place is everything the Waiheke backpackers wasn't. Clean, relaxed and easy going. The view to the city centre is stunning too. Ponsonby is the cafe/pub/restaurant area of Auckland and we're heading off out with my old workmate Stewart later to sample the delights on offer.

Tomorrow we're off to the Auckland boatshow, another night here and then we're winding down (if that's possible) before we head off on Saturday night.


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