Monday, April 10, 2006

And on to Sydney

On Friday morning we boarded the train to Sydney. We were in first class, it was a bit of a let down to say the least, the definition of first class seemed to be that it wasn't as bad as economy class. The train was packed with OAPs, no doubt thanks to the concession prices. There seemed to be almost universal delight when it was announced that the train would be leaving 30 minutes late, not because the passengers wanted to be late but because it gave them something to complain about, the grumbling was almost deafening.

Still we pushed on and on arrival at Sydney we had managed to make up minus 30 minutes so we were an hour late all in. Mind you we had experienced a trip through a hugely varying landscape. The start of the journey travelling through tree-lined arid fields, the end taking us across tree-lined arid fields and the journey in between consisting of tree-lined arid fields. Some fields even had sheep in them. What a day!

Anyway on ariival at Sydney Central we were greeted by our auntie and host for our time here, Jean. A quick trip by train and taxi across the harbour bridge and we were in what is to be home for the next two weeks, bliss. There are chairs and a TV. Bliss!

Saturday was a day of sporting activities, on the TV. Sunday was time to head to Palm Beach. A good hour away by bus and home to the legendary Aussie soap, Home and Away. The surf forecast was for 3-4 meter waves and they duely arrived attracting hundreds of surfer 'dudes' into the water despite the beach closed signs.

The sun shone and all was well in the world, I even found myself beginning to like this country.

Yesterday snapped me out of that though. I took the walk from the flat down and across the harbour bridge to the City centre and all it's attractions. The iconic bridge and the Opera house are surely two of the world's greatest landmarks and it was kind of awe inspiring to see them in the flesh.

However the Aussie people still don't fail to amaze me with thier in-hospitality. I have never seen anyone ask a passer-by to take a photo of them and get rebuffed, until yesterday. Yes some over worked Aussie couldn't spare them 30 seconds to take a photo of them on their holiday.

I have friends who don't get on with each other and the reason is often because they are so alike. All I can say is that these Aussie's hate the English. Case closed me thinks.

Obviously, as with the English, there are a heck of a lot of nice ones but the amount of ignorant, arrogant and selfish people seems to be exponentially higher here. Almost every shop you buy something in you get told an amount of money to pay and a hand stuck out. Not even a hello or a please or thank you.

The commercialism is depressing too, the official guide to Sydney has a map in the back. On it are street names, phone box locations and the locations of all the MacDonalds 'restaurants'.

Still the weather remains unsponsored for the time-being atleast and it keeps getting hotter, 27C today and humid for once. It's due to break later in the week though apparently.

Until then I'll attempt to get over this cold and maybe check out some more of the beaches while trying to avoid the capitalists heaven which this country seems to be.


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