Thursday, March 23, 2006


This is Flinders Street Station in Melbourne City Centre. Cracking isn't it.

Well we've had a few days to get to know this city. It's buzzing at the moment and all the trams are crambed. Alot of locals have apparently taken the opportunity to get away so the city and all it's hotels are rammed with people from all over the commonwealth.

We went to see the athletics last night if only to find out if there were actually any other countries participating in the competition besides Australia. The TV coverage is quite incredible. It is all about Australia. Only races, games and competitions with an Australian in contention get shown. Other countries don't get a mention. The only way we can find out how Scotland are doing is to look on the net. It's the hot topic round here actually. Alot of the letters in the paper are from Australians ashamed at the way they have covered the games. To be honest it doesn't make you feel very welcome.

It was the same in the stadium last night. After Jana Pittman (Womens 400m winner) had been presented with her medal the stadium emptied. There was also the spectacle of the crowd cheering as the foreign discuss throwers failed to beat the Australian's throw. Respect doesn't seem to be something the Ausltralian sporting public has in much quantity.

Apart from that I've just been walking round the city soaking up the atmosphere, seeing the sights. The botanic gardens are amazing.

The temperature here is around 30C every day but I'm finding it very easy, it's not humid. The difficulty comes at night. You want to sleep with no sheets but then the mozzies get you.

Hopefully we'll get a thunderstorm soon though. Might head back up the Rialto Tower and get some more photos if that happens.

Anyway time for brekky.


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