Thursday, March 09, 2006


I bet you've always wanted to get into a huge inflated ball, chuck in some water and roll down a hill. That's what I had a go at yesterday. It's called Zorbing. The ball has an inner sphere which you climb into, a couple of buckets of water are added, the inner sphere zipped shut and you roll off down the hill bouncing and sliding all over the place. Great fun!

The fishing continues to be good. The fish are congregating in the cold streams which flow into Lake Rotorua which is too warm at the moment. You can see them in the day but you can't catch them, they're too warey. At night though they come out of their shells and you can nab a few, as we did. 5 each over the last three nights. Fish up to and over 4lb and all wild. Great fun.

The first cold breathes of autumn are appearing. The sun doesn't seem so warm and the nights are getting colder. So it's lucky really that we're going to Australia in just over a week.

Here's a geyser in Rotorua too.


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