Thursday, February 02, 2006

To Nelson

For those of you wondering how the weather's been here's a photo of Ship Cove at the start of the Queen Charlotte Track which we completed yesterday.

We finally made it to the end of the Queen Charlotte Track. The last day started with a 450m climb but it was the best day of the 4 and the highlight of the trip surely occurred when we reached the end.

We just dangled our tootsies in the cool Sounds water off the peir while we waited for the water taxi to take us back to Picton.

From Picton we drove to Havelock and stayed the night at Blue Moon Backpackers. It was pretty standard stuff though the host was a serious sufferer of the 'Sweet As' syndrome, finishing every sentence with the phrase. 'Good as gold' was another favourite.

Anyway this morning we drove the pine clad road to Nelson.

This is holiday town by the look of it. It's a glorious sunny day mind you. It's a bank holiday weekend here and the place is pretty busy.

We've booked our trip in Abel Tasman National Park. 2 days kayaking (in a twin kayak) and a days walking (well three hours) then back to the start by water taxi. We'll be staying in the tent for the two nights and we have to wait for low tide to get across a couple of parts on the walking section. We start that on Monday and it should be great.

Just need a couple of days to recover from the 'tramping' and get the busy holiday weekend out the way.

Cheers for now


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