Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Milford Sound

I can't even begin to describe today. Rain would be the major word. We travelled to Milford Sound to go kayaking, leaving 6:30am. Around 10:30am we finally got on the water, after five minutes on the water we abandoned the trip as the wind was to strong in the sound.

To be honest we couldn't believe we were going to go anyway as the rain was tipping down and had been all night and all day and continues to do so now, at 5pm.

Rain may put a downer on most things but Milford Sound comes alive with it. We took a cruise, and what a cruise. The rain and wind today are pretty exceptional even for here and even the crew of the cruise boat were reaching for the superlatives at points.

As I said, I couldn't even begin to describe it in any way which would bring it into your imagination. I'll try though.

Streams and waterfalls poured from every possible peak and cliff and strong winds whipped the water falls and the seas into a swirling cloud of spray. As if God had been asked to illustrate what he could do with water. It was a watery wonderland. Hundreds upon hundreds of waterfalls cascading down the almost vertical mountain sides which form the fiord borders. The rain lashed down and the wind roared past the sides of the boat ripping the tops from the waves and lifting them in clouds into the air until they merged with the waterfalls.

As you'd imagine I have plenty photos, I can only upload a couple here and I'll upload the rest later.

If you're finding it hard to imagine pop down the local carwash and walk through. That might be close. Imagine the carwash being thousands of feet high though.

Doubtful Sound overnight cruise tomorrow. It's got some work to do to beat Milford. We're hoping for the weather to contrast again and give us a more sedate time over there.

Anyway, hope you like the photos.



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